Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My First iClone 3d Animation Project

It's quite ambitious, really, for a first project! I'm attempting to produce a full-length 3D animated movie using iClone Studio, Crazy Talk and some movie editing software, that I recently acquired as birthday gifts. I've always wanted to produce some of the screenplays and novels I've written in the past. I guess I got a bit sick and tired of sending out query letters to producers and agents and getting nada in response so why not, huh?

I'm new at this and words like 'avatar', 'timeline', 'particle effects' still sound foreign to me and at times, I get a cold sweat at the very ballsy idea of creating an animated movie with me as the lone writer, producer, director, actor, set designer, etc.

But here it is, the 1st part or episode of my first animated movie! It is titled, "It Came From Beneath the Streets of San Francisco", and it's about a new breed of vampires who live in the secret underground tunnels of the city and at night, fly out and terrorize the denizens of San Francisco. I won't give away their monstrous look yet but here's a hint: these vampires originally came from the Philippines and they look nothing like any Western vampire that most modern people are familiar with.

Enjoy episode/part 1 and if you should be so inclined, I'd like to ask you to kindly donate any amount you can spare: a dollar, two dollars ...anything... so I can continue doing this. The fact is that animation is the single most expensive and time-consuming way of making a film but with your help, I'm hoping I can finish this project (and other 3D movies in the future) for all of you to enjoy.

Please click on the Paypal Link to do so and thanks again! If you haven't heard of PayPal, it is the safest and most highly regarded method of payment online (affiliated with Ebay). I apologize in advance if this is not convenient for you.

ER Escober

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